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  • My flute won't make a sound, or sounds buzzy or weak, is it broken?"
    No, 99% of the time the tied on block or fetish is out of position. See the videos on this website or consult the manual that came with the flute, for to position the sound block. Basically the block's cutout needs to be just behind the flute's sound hole for optimal sound and playability.
  • Does temperature or humidity change the tone or tuning of the flute?
    Temperature will change the flute tuning. I tune the flutes between 72 and 74 degress Fahrenheit. If the temperature is above 74, the flute will play sharpr, below it will play flatter. Howevr, the flute stays in tune with itself and will most likely never be noticed by the player.
  • Does different woods affect the tone of the flute?
    Only slightly. In general. a softwood such as cypress or redwood will have a warmer tone, hardwood such as maple and walnut will have a brighter, crisper tone.
  • Does an expensive flute sound better then the least expensive flute?
    No. In the same key, you will find a less expensive cypress flute for instance sounds as good as a buckeye burl expensive flute. The difference in tone is subtle.
  • Is their a function for the tied on fetish or is it just decorative?
    Its functional and if its off, the flute will make no sound, or if its out of position, the flute will not sound clear.
  • Are you Native American?
    No. That is why I cannot call my flutes Native American Flutes. Instead, my flutes are inspired by the Native American flute, so called Native American style of flute.
  • How can I learn to play these flutes if I've never played any instrument?
    These flutes are very easy to play, Unlike the silver flute, these flutes do not require any mouth embrasure or special blowing technique. These play more like recorders in that you simply blow into the flute and cover/uncovr the finger holes to produce the different notes. The how-to manual that comes with the flute plus my website video will help you get going.
  • Any special care for the flute?
    No. Just follow the directions in the manual on how to speed on the drying of the inside of the flute after playing. Also keep the flute away from dogs and I wouldn't leave the flute in the car during the summer months.
  • Which key flute do you recommend for beginners?
    For adults, most people find flutes in the key of G or F# to have a comfortable finger spread plus a lower, pleasing tone. If the might be played with other instruments such as a guitar, a G flute would be my recommendation. For kids, look at a flute in the key of A.
  • Are the lower tone flutes harder to play?
    Only in that the finger holes are spread out more as these flutes are larger in both length and width. I wouldn't start with flutes in the lower keys such as E, D, or C unless you try them in person or already play other flutes.
  • What age do you find children able to play these flutes?
    When kids have played the recorder in school, grades 3 or 4, they can usually play these flutes. The techniques are very similar and their fingres are long enough to reach the holes. I recommend flutes in the keys of Bb or A for children 3rd grade and above.
  • These flutes sound great so they must be hard to play?
    No. No experience in music or other instruments is required. If you have fingers and breath, you can play it.
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